- A deterrent to burglars, car thieves and unscrupulous door-to-door callers
- Neighbours watching out for one another and working together to report suspicious activity
- More direct communication from the police about local incidents, (alerts and advice)
- Advice on improving your own home security
- Support from your local NHW coordinator and your community police officer/s
- An added sense of security through being in a neighbourhood watch
- Improved community spirit - get to know your neighbours
Sign up to OWL at
www.owl.co.ukPlease review the below video -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-r4UjgAI47g&feature=youtu.beSt Katharine & Wapping Safer Neighbourhood Ward Panel
(a non-political Group of Volunteers, working with the Police, Local Authority and Residents to make the Ward a Safer
Place in which to live and work)