Nitrous Oxide survey open from the 1/9/20- 31/9/20

Nitrous Oxide Canister Evidence Survey - 1st September 2020 - 30 September 2020

  • Date:01/09/2020 00:00 - 30/09/2020 23:59
  • Location


Residents of St Katharine and Wapping Ward have been invited to assist the Council with gathering evidence to help determine if a NOX Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) should be introduced across the Borough of Tower Hamlets.

Link for more information about PSPO’s:

We are heartened that the Council recognise the need for action against discarded Nitrous Oxide canisters (also used for the legitimate purposes of cream making and soda water) which blight our streets, parks and walkways, often accompanied by balloons and empty boxes. The same locations are usually filled with discarded drink and street food containers.

We are seeking volunteers to help the Council capture data for the month of September only; so from 1st September – 30th September inclusive, if you wish to participate in the exercise, please ensure you cover all areas around where you live, including River walkways and parks, whenever you are walking anywhere within the Borough. Please only provide details of where quantities of a minimum five canisters are found.

Volunteers should use either the Word or Excel Templates downloadable below, complete electronically and returned on Monday's weekly.

Nitrous Oxide Template_September.xlsx

Nitrous Oxide Cannister Template_September 2020.doc

Please ensure you give an accurate description of the locations of where the NOX canisters are being found or used. A street name alone will not be sufficient for the statistical analysis. Please use the codes on the templates to pinpoint the location.

Completed templates should be returned each Monday to: with an optional copy to the Ward Panel at which will assist in analysis of the data at that level.

The Council are most grateful to the Residents of our Ward for helping to participate in this evidence gathering exercise. Please note the survey is anonymous. No personal data is required.